The Clean Tahoe Program’s mission is to improve the visual environment in South Lake Tahoe through proper litter and trash management and public education. The Program has two full-time field crew members who serve as Clean Tahoe’s front-line troops who remove litter and illegally dumped items from the public easements along our heavily traveled roads. We also respond to community complaints regarding animal access to trash and bulk items (appliances, mattresses, furniture, etc.) in public view and we provide much needed education to properties in violation of litter and trash ordinances.
In our 2018-2019 fiscal year, Clean Tahoe picked up 504 CUBIC yards of trash
222 Illegal Dumps consisting of mattresses, furniture, freezers refrigerators, tires, and TVs
287 Animal in Trash Incidents
33 Homeless Camps
Mission & History
CLEAN TAHOE'S Mission Statement
The Clean Tahoe Program is a community based non-profit organization dedicated to improving the visual environment of the South Shore of the Lake Tahoe Basin through proper litter and trash management and public education.
History of the Program
The Clean Tahoe Program began in 1988, when a local citizens committee, concerned with the South Shore’s growing litter and illegal dumping problems, requested the City of South Lake Tahoe initiate a Clean Community Program. By 1989, funding was comprised of a yearly surcharge on City residents’ trash bills and a yearly charge per improved parcel on El Dorado County for properties within the Tahoe Basin. A part-time Coordinator was hired, responsible for community education, abatement and community cleanup. In May 1992, the City of South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado County entered into a Joint Powers Agreement and a City/County Joint Board of Commissioners was appointed to oversee the program. In 1994, the Clean Tahoe Program became a public benefit non-profit corporation, with its own By-Laws and Program Policies.
Today, the Clean Tahoe Program is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and has a seven member Board of Directors, with representatives from both the City and County, the Board of Realtors, the Chamber of Commerce, and a Member-at-Large. The Program has a full-time staff of two field workers, a part-time Program Assistant, and an Executive Director.